
Teams and Work Motivation in Organizations

Vorlesung im Rahmen des Bachelorstudiengangs Psychologie an der Universiteit Gent, Belgien, Wintersemester 2019/2020 und 2020/2021

The interactive lecture Teams and Work Motivation in Organizations gives an overview on what motivates employees to pursue their work, how individuals work together, and how these teams can be organized and managed. Lecture sessions include, e.g.: job satisfaction, work motivation and motivational processes in teams and individuals, goal setting, diversity, communication, negotiation, leadership, culture and climate. For further information, please see the studiefiche [Link: https://studiegids.ugent.be/2019/EN/studiefiches/H002022.pdf ]. Students have access to additional material via Ufora. If you need further information on this lecture, please contact me via teaching(at)petragelleri.de or petra.gelleri(at)ugent.be.

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